Breast enlargement is a condition that often occurs in boys during puberty. During this time a boy's breasts may begin to take on female characteristics. He may notice that his breast is tender and that a small area of tissue can be felt beneath his nipple. Usually this change is mild and the breast still looks like a male breast. Occasionally the breast can become more like a female breast. This condition is also called gynecomastia.
Breast enlargement in boys is thought to be caused by an imbalance of hormones during the middle part of puberty. Oils and ointments applied to the skin that contain estrogens (female hormones) can also cause breast enlargement. These oils include tea tree oil and lavender oil.
Some medicines may cause enlargement of the male breast. Some examples are digitalis, phenytoin, ketoconazole, cimetidine, diazepam, omeprazole, antidepressants, and others. Tell your doctor about any medicines or supplements your son is taking.
Breast enlargement is diagnosed in a boy who has entered puberty and has no other medical conditions or symptoms that suggest a reason for the breast to develop.
In most cases the tenderness lasts for a few months and then goes away. The breast tissue eventually decreases in size. It is unusual for the condition to last longer than 2 years. It is rare for this condition to reach the point where your son is embarrassed about the amount of breast growth.
No specific treatment is needed. Loose clothing may be more comfortable than more tightly fitting shirts.
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